Active Directory LDAP Field Mappings

by Robert Allen

Updated on

Active Directory

This page provides a mapping of common Active Directory fields to its LDAP attribute name. 

When using Active Directory users and computers you will see the Microsoft provided friendly names. Under the hood of Active Directory these fields are actually using an LDAP attribute. You can see the LDAP attribute name in the attribute editor. 

When working with scripts or creating a program you will need to use the LDAP attribute name. 

This page provides a visual reference of the LDAP field mappings in Active Directory. In addition, I created a table view for a quick reference. 

General Tab

Address Tab

Account Tab

Profile Tab

Telephones Tab

Organization Tab

LDAP Mappings Table View

TABActive Directory FieldLDAP Attribute
GeneralFirst NamegivenName
GeneralLast namesn
GeneralDisplay namedisplayName
GeneralTelephone numbertelephoneNumber
GeneralWeb pagewWWHomePage
AddressP.O BoxpostOfficeBox
AddressZip/Postal CodepostalCode
AccountUser logon nameuserPrincipalName
Accountuser logon name (pre-Windows 200)sAMAccountName
ProfileProfile pathprofilePath
ProfileLogon scriptscriptPath
ProfileLocal pathhomeDirectory
TelephonesIP PhoneipPhone
OrganizationJob Titletitle
OrganizationDirect Reportsdirectreports

26 thoughts on “Active Directory LDAP Field Mappings”

  1. Scott Welker

    A BIG thank you!

    Do you happen to know whether there is a complete, definitive list of data available LDAP query (via ADSI)? Struggling to see what is possible.

  2. David

    many thanks. if you need to hide some attributes there are some other “hidden” fields eg otherHomePhone, otherPager, otherMobile, otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber, otherIpPhone, otherTelephone

  3. Mike

    This is SO helpful and awesome layout with the LDAP field names in the actual AD screen fields. I salute you!

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      Thank Mike.

  4. gajendra

    what are the User search field

  5. Scott Hammond

    Trying to get a Attribute that is o under the Attribute Editor how do I pull that information that is not standard fields

  6. Sharmistha Paul

    What is the LDAP attribute for “Manageable” field in Active Directory?

  7. bhakti joshi

    what is attribute for Disabled users

  8. ruchi

    Hey where can I get account expires?

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      It is the accountExpires attribute. You can view it from the Attribute Editor tab.

  9. joe

    Hi, how can I do an ldap query that give me all the attributes of the result?

  10. Luiz Eduardo Alves de Alcantara

    Incomplete. Where is “otherMailbox”?

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      That attribute is not displayed in the GUI, you can view it by clicking on the Attribute Editor.

  11. James

    In the example the “test.user003” at the top of each screen shot is the Canonical name object, correct?

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      It is the common name or name. The canonical name looks like this Users/test-build2/test.user003

  12. j

    What is the ldap Atrribute for User cannot change password? and is it 1/0 or True/False?

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      It is stored in the userAccountControl attribute. You would need to use an LDAP query to find it (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536))

  13. Joseph Heaton

    How do I get support? I have the AD Toolkit and the user update is not updating the proxy addresses correctly. I have examples

  14. Ian Cruz

    I believe there is a typo in the LDAP Mappings Table View. It is showing LDAP Attribute=telephoneNumber for the Active Directory Field=Office…

    LDAP Mappings Table View
    TAB Active Directory Field LDAP Attribute
    General First Name givenName
    General Initials initials
    General Last name sn
    General Display name displayName
    General Description description
    General Office telephoneNumber
    General Telephone number telephoneNumber
    General E-mail mail

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      Good catch. I have updated the page.

      • George Carey

        giveName should be givenName

        • Avatar photo
          Robert Allen

          Thanks. I have updated it.

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