Get Active Directory User’s Last Logon Date and Time

by Robert Allen

In this post, I’ll show you two options on how to get the last logon timestamp for Active Directory user accounts. The Active Directory last logon date is often needed for security audits and to track when a user last logged on to their computer or network.

In this article:

LastLogon vs LastLogonTimeStamp vs LastLogonDate

It’s important to understand the difference between the logon attributes as they are used for different reasons. When using PowerShell you will see three different lastlogon properties.

lastlogon attributes powwershell


When a user authenticates to the network this attribute is updated on the domain controller that performs the authentication and is not replicated.

When to use? You should use the LastLogon attribute to get an accurate report of a users last logon. The problem is you will need to get the LastLogon attribute from each domain controller to show the real Last Logon date. This is automatically done with the AD Pro Toolkit, examples below.


The LastLogonTimeStamp attribute also records the timestamp of when a user logs onto their computer or network. This attribute is replicated to all domain controllers but it has a delay (9-14 days behind the current date).

When to use? The LastLogonTimeStmap should be used to find stale accounts in Active Directory. Due to the delayed timestamp value, this attribute is not intended for creating last logon reports.


LastLogonDate is not an attribute its the calculated value of LastLogonTimeStamp when using PowerShell.

When to use? Use LastLogonDate when using PowerShell and you want an easy to read format of the LastLogonTimeStamp.

Option 1. Get AD Last Logon using the AD Pro Toolkit

Follow the steps below to create a last logon report using the AD Pro Toolkit. You can download a trial of this tool and try the report for free.

  1. Click on “Logon Reports” then click “True Last Logon Report”.
  2. Click “Run” to get the last logon date for all users or click “Browse” to select an OU or group.
  3. Optionally, you can click the “Time” button to change the time range.
  4. Click “Run” to start the report.

Note: If you have a lot of users and multiple domain controllers this report can take several minutes to complete.

Below is an example Last Logon Report from the toolkit. You can click “Export” and save to CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

ad last logon report

You can see in the screenshot above the tool returns the users name, account name, domain controller name, and the last logon date. You can click on any column to sort the results in ascending or descending order.

The AD last logon Reporter eliminates all the manual work of checking the lastlogon attribute for all users across all domain controllers. It would be very time consuming and difficult to return the real last logon time without this tool.

Our Active Directory Reporting Tool includes over 200 built-in reports.

Option 2. Get AD Last Logon using PowerShell

Tip: Keep in mind to get the TRUE last logon date with PowerShell you would need to run the script on all domain controllers as the value is not replicated. The AD Pro Toolkit automatically gets the real last logon date and time from all domain controllers.

Step 1: Log into a Domain Controller

If you don’t run this from a DC, you may need to import the Active Directory PowerShell modules.

Step 2: Use Get-ADUser PowerShell cmdlet

Open PowerShell and use the command below to get all domain users LastLogonDate.

Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties "LastLogonDate" | select name, LastLogonDate

You should get similar results to the screenshot below.

ad lastlogon powershell example

The above example gets the last logon date for all users, for a single user run the command below.

Get-ADUser -identity robert.allen -Properties "LastLogonDate" | select name, LastLogonDate

If you add the lastlogon date you may notice some users are blank. This is because lastlogon is not replicated and the user may have never authenticated against the DC.

Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties LastLogonDate,lastlogon | select name, lastlogon,LastLogonDate
lastlogon powershell example with blank dates

Video Demo of Last Logon Date

Get Last Logon 30 days

To get users that have logged on in the last 30 days click the time button and select “Last 30 Days”

ad last logon 30 days


In this guide, I walked through three methods on how to get the Active Directory Last Logon for domain user accounts.

It is important to review the last logon date for user accounts on a monthly basis to find stale user accounts. This can also be used to check the last time a user authenticated to the network. The PowerShell get-aduser cmdlet works great to get user’s last logon details from a single domain controller. To automatically collect the last logon details from all Domain Controllers I recommend the AD Pro Toolkit.

If you have questions or comments please leave a comment below.


Recommended Tools

  • AD Cleanup Tool - Find stale and inactive user and computer accounts in Active Directory. Export, disable, move or delete the stale accounts to increase security.
  • AD User Creation Tool - Bulk import or update Active Directory user accounts. Add users to groups, import into OUs, set multiple attributes and more.
  • NTFS Permissions Tool - Scan and audit NTFS folder permissions. See which users and groups have access to what.
  • AD Reporting Tool - Over 200 reports on users, computers, groups, OUs and more. Customize reports or create your own reports with the report builder.

37 thoughts on “Get Active Directory User’s Last Logon Date and Time”

  1. Hi everybody, I am not an IT but an auditor. I am ckecking the last log in of an user (a former employee of my organisation) to our AD. I have used Method#1 that is explained in thia topic and the check shows that the user has logged in to the AD on 06.Nov.2022 but in fact she has left the organisation in August. Can I assume that the user account is compromised or the date of the last log in may show that a process or a system has been used the account for something? I am not sure I am explaining the situation well, but I will be grateful if you help me understand the meaning of this date!

  2. Hi, Robert.

    The script worked, thanks.
    Now I can search by computer and I will get the user.
    Is possible to search by user and get the computer name?
    Get-UserLogon -All – this command took more then 30 minutes
    I would like to insert the name of the user and see the last computer logged.
    will be possible?

  3. Hi, Robert.

    I need a simple help like the Eugene.
    Sometimes I need to identify by username the last computer used or still using.
    I tried a lot of scripts but I cannot find a simple one for that.

    Thanks for the help.

        • This script is also running locally. It is running the command “Invoke-Command -ComputerName $u.Name -ScriptBlock {quser}” against each computer to see who is currently logged on. It will only report if someone is currently logged on.

          Copy the script into PowerShell ISE click the run button then you will be able to use the Get-UserLogon command.

          • Hi, Robert.

            Sorry to bother you.

            Robert I tried but at ISE I got this;

            PS C:\Users\Administrator.GPRO> Invoke-Command -ComputerName $u.Name -ScriptBlock {quser}
            Invoke-Command : Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘ComputerName’. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the
            command again.
            At line:1 char:30
            + Invoke-Command -ComputerName $u.Name -ScriptBlock {quser}
            + ~~~~~~~
            + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Invoke-Command], ParameterBindingValidationException
            + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeCommandCommand

            Thanks for the help.

  4. Is there a way to display the last logon date per user PER COMPUTER? for example, i login to multiple computers and want to know when the last time i logged in to a specific one.
    Thank you.

  5. I have to know LastLogon I have the exported excel file in LastLogon Field it is Showing

    how can i know the time

    • This should do it.

      Get-ADUser -Identity “username” -Properties “LastLogon” | Select Name, @{N=’LastLogon’; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}}

  6. Hi,

    This is a simple powershell script which I created to fetch the last login details of all users from AD.

    1) Login to AD with admin credentials
    2) Open the Powershell in AD with Administrator elevation mode
    3) Run this below mentioned powershell commands to get the last login details of all the users from AD

    Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name,LastLogonDate | Export-csv c:/lastlogon.csv

    This will create a CSV file in your C Drive with the name lastlogon.csv which will contain the information of last login time of all the users

    If you want to store the CSV file in different location, just change the path accordingly


  7. Hi,
    this step is very help me thank you….

    Step 3: Run the following command

    Get-ADUser -Identity “username” -Properties “LastLogonDate”

    Replace “username” with the user you want to report on.

  8. Hi Robert, the LastLogon attribute logs successful and unsuccessful logins?

    2. What is special about the Active Directory built-in account in relation to schema admin, enterprise admin and domain admin?

  9. This advice seems very old fashioned and amateur (not “pro”), and I have no idea how this page is so high in Google rank.

    “LastLogon” queried in this way is only accurate for a domain where there is one domain controller. The LastLogon time attribute is not replicated between domain controllers, and it only applies to the DC where you’re reading the value from. If you query the user information on another DC, it can be completely different (and generally *is* different).

    You can use LastLogonTimestamp (which is replicated to all DCs) to find a last logon time that’s accurate to within 14 days (I don’t know why it’s this interval). That is, for a date that’s more than 14 days ago, that was the last time the user logged on at any DC in the domain. This is useful if you want to know accounts that last logged on a long time ago, such as more than 3 months ago or whatever.

    If you need to know the last time an account logged on within 14 days, you need to query the LastLogon attribute for the user on *every DC* in the domain and get the most recent time from those results. There are plenty of scripts available on the internet that will help you do this.

    • TrixM,

      Thanks for the detailed explanation. You are correct, I failed to mention in my article that the LastLogon attribute does not get replicated between DC. I’ll update the post. The LastLogonTimestamp can be updated even if a user has not logged on. That is why it’s better to use the LastLogon attribute to accurately report a user’s last logon time.

  10. To get this info for all users:

    Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name,LastLogon,Displayname, EmailAddress, Title | select Name,
    @{Name=’LastLogon’;Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}},DisplayName, EmailAddress, Title | Export-CSV “C

    • Last log on report comes like this “133135731765050000” Not sure how we can convert this to display properly, tried few methods in excel under number formatting but no luck, any help would be much appreciated.


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