How to Check Tombstone Lifetime of Active Directory

by Robert Allen

In this guide, I’ll show two options on how to check the Tombstone Lifetime in Active Directory.

Option 1. Check Tombstone Lifetime using PowerShell

Use the below PowerShell command to check the Tombstone lifetime in Active Directory. You will need to update the distinguishedName to match your domain.

(get-adobject “cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com” -properties “tombstonelifetime”).tombstonelifetime
powershell check active directory tombstone lifetime

You can see in the screenshot above my Tomestone lifetime is 180 days.

You can find your distinguishedName with this command.

Get-ADRootDSE | select defaultNamingContext
powershell get root of the domain

Update the section in red with your domains distinguishedName.

update root domain

Option 2. Check Tombstone Lifetime using ADSI Edit

Step 1. Open ADSI Edit

Step 2. Right on ADSEI Edit and select “Connect to”

adsi edit connect to

Step 3. Select “Configuration” from the drop down and then click “OK”.

adsi edit select configuration

Step 4. Expand the following:

  • CN=Configuration,(your domain)
  • CN=Services
  • CN=Windows NT
  • CN=Directory Service

Then right click on CN=Directory Service and select “Properties”

adsi expand containers

Scroll down and check the value of “tombstoneLifetime”.

adsi tomestonelifetime

Recommended Tools

  • AD Cleanup Tool - Find stale and inactive user and computer accounts in Active Directory. Export, disable, move or delete the stale accounts to increase security.
  • AD User Creation Tool - Bulk import or update Active Directory user accounts. Add users to groups, import into OUs, set multiple attributes and more.
  • NTFS Permissions Tool - Scan and audit NTFS folder permissions. See which users and groups have access to what.
  • AD Reporting Tool - Over 200 reports on users, computers, groups, OUs and more. Customize reports or create your own reports with the report builder.

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