Easily Find Local Administrators on all Computers

by Robert Allen

In this article, you will learn how to get members of the local administrators group using PowerShell and the AD Pro Toolkit.

Users that are a member of the local administrators group have full control over their computer. This allows users to install unwanted software, change computer settings, and makes it easier for viruses and malicious software to be installed. It also makes it easier for hackers to take control of your computer.

In this article:

Get Local Administrators using PowerShell

Use the Get-LocalGroupMember cmdlet to get members of the local administrator group.

Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"
get local administrators with powershell

In the above screenshot, you can see I have several groups and users that are a member of the local administrators group. It even shows members that are part of another domain.

Get Local Administrators using PowerShell (Multiple Computers)

To get the local administrators on multiple computers you need to have PowerShell Remoting enabled.

When PowerShell Remoting is enabled you can then use the Invoke-Command to get the local administrator on multiple computers. To run this command on multiple computers just separate them with a comma. Here is an example of running this command on computers with the hostname of PC1 and PC2.

Invoke-Command -ComputerName pc2, pc1 -ScriptBlock {Get-LocalGroupMember -Name 'Administrators'}
get local admins on multiple computers with powershell

You can see in the above screenshot the output is not ideal and would require some additional work. This is why I created the AD Pro Toolkit, it makes scanning multiple computers for local admins very easy and the output is simple to read.

Get Members of Local Administrators group with AD Pro Toolkit

The AD Pro Toolkit makes it very easy to get local administrators on multiple computers. It also put it into a grid view to make the report easy to read, search, filter and export.


  1. AD Pro Toolkit – You can download a free trial here.
  2. WMI needs to be allowed on the Windows Firewall Settings. If you have this blocked you can use group policy to open this up on all computers.

Step 1: Open Local Admins Report Tool

Click on “Local Admins” from the Management Tools menu.

Step 2: Select Computers

  • Path = Scan the entire domain or choose an OU or group.
  • CSV file = Provide a list of computers to scan.
select computers

Step 3: Click Run

Now just click the run button to start scanning the computers.

click run

You can see in the above screenshot, I have several users and groups that are a member of the local Administrators group on multiple computers. The Principal Source column will tell you if the account is a local account or a domain account.

Step 3: Export Report

To export the list of local administrators click the “Export” button.

export list of local administrators group to csv

Now you will have a report of all local administrators on all computers. In the screenshot below I highlighted some accounts that should not have admin rights. I’ll need to investigate these computers.

CSV Sample export

Get Members of All Local Groups using AD Pro Toolkit

By default, this toolkit gets the members of the Administrators group only. If you want to get a report of all local groups then select the “Show All Groups” box.

show all groups

Here is a screenshot show all the local groups and members on my srv-vm1 server.

Download AD Pro Toolkit and try this tool for free.

I’ve just shown you two methods for finding administrator rights. Now you need to identify the users that do not need these rights and remove them.

The best way to remove local administrator rights is to use group policy and Restricted groups. Restricted groups allow you to centrally manage the local groups on all computers in your domain. You can also target specific computers or OUs instead of the entire domain.

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10 thoughts on “Easily Find Local Administrators on all Computers”

  1. Sally Tamayo

    If I have an exception list to the local admins, how can I factor that into the powershell ?

  2. Tsuki Azmua

    Can you help me?

    I have a problem with administrator local account.
    Now, I can get it from computers in domain. But it enabled and disabled account.

    Is there any way to only get administrator local account is still enable.

    Thank for your advice.

  3. Nihal


    If I have 500 computes or server so in this case how I can export that reports.

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      With the toolkit just click the export button to export the report to CSV.

      With PowerShell use export-csv

      Invoke-Command -ComputerName pc1, pc2 -ScriptBlock{Get-LocalGroupMember -Name ‘Administrators’} | Export-Csv c:\it\export.csv

  4. Edgar

    very cool, but you should mention that using the AD pro toolkit tool with the trial version you can only see 10 results at a time, not the whole results.

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      Good point, I’ll add that to the article.

  5. Pawan Kumar

    NET USER Administrator is perfect to check the status, is there any command which can show the results for multiple computers and can we export them into .csv file ?

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      You can do it with PowerShell

      Invoke-Command -ComputerName pc1 -ScriptBlock{Get-LocalGroupMember –
      Name ‘Administrators’}

  6. Abhishek Nair

    Nicely explained! Thanks.

    • Avatar photo
      Robert Allen

      No Problem 🙂


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