Find Locked Accounts in Active Directory (2 Options)

by Robert Allen

In this guide, I’ll show you two options on how to find locked accounts in Active Directory. Users are locked out after so many failed logon attempts, this is typically due to the password being entered incorrectly. An Account Lockout Policy defined in group policy determines how many invalid logon attempts before an account is locked out.

In this article:

Check if an Account is locked in Active Directory

To check if an account is locked in Active Directory follow these steps:

  1. Open ADUC
  2. Open the user account you want to check
  3. Click the Account tab
  4. If the account is locked it will say “Unlock account. This account is currently locked out on this Active Directory Domain Controller”.
find lockouts with aduc

Check if Account is locked using PowerShell

In this example, I’ll use the Get-ADuser PowerShell cmdlet to check if a user is locked out or not. This will display the value (True or False) for the Locked Out property.

Get-ADUser robert.allen -Properties * | Select-Object LockedOut
powershell check if user is locked

If you want to find all currently locked AD users run this command.

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut
powershell check for all locked users

In the screenshot above you can see I have two accounts that are locked out.

If you want to find all locked accounts for enabled users only use this command.

Search-ADAccount -lockedout | where-object {$_.enabled -eq 'True'}

Find all locked accounts with the AD Pro Toolkit

In this example, I’ll use the AD Pro Toolkit to quickly check for locked users. This tool will display all locked users, the lock out time and their password last set date. In addition, you can right click an account to unlock it.

Step 1. Open the Password & Unlock Tool

Step 2. Click the “Check for Locked Users” button

Step 3. Review the list of locked accounts.

check locked users with toolkit

Scheduled Locked out Reports

With the AD Toolkit you can schedule the locked out user report and have it email you the results daily, weekly or monthly. You can also choose from over 200 other AD reports to run on a schedule.

To schedule locked out report follow these steps.

  1. Click on the scheduler.
  2. Give the task a name
  3. Set the schedule frequency
  4. Select the report category of User > Account Status
  5. Select the report “Locked Users”
  6. Enter in the email details and click “Finish”.
scheduled locked user report

Find Where an Account is Being Locked Out From

You can find where an account is being locked out from by looking at event ID 4740 on your domain controller. This event is not replicated so you would need to know which DC the lock out occurred on and then filter the logs for this event.

lockout source event 4740

The AD Pro Toolkit includes a lockout troubleshooter tool that makes it very easy to find where accounts are locked out from. This tool will get the lockout event from all your domain controllers and display it in an easy to read format.

You can see in the screenshot below the user “Cindy.Gunn” had locked the account from PC2.

find where account is locked

This does require permission to the logs on your domain controllers. You can delegate these permissions to helpdesk staff by giving them even log reader rights, you also need to have auditing turned on.

You can download a free trial of the user unlock tool and try it in your domain.

If you need help with turning on the audit logs check out the administrator guide for the tool.


In this guide, I showed you two options on how to find locked user accounts in Active Directory. The PowerShell Search-ADAccount cmdlet is a very easy way to display all the locked users in your domain. If you want an alternative to PowerShell and something that has more options then check out the AD Pro Toolkit. The GUI toolkit is very user friendly and requires no PowerShell experience.

If you have comments or questions let me know I’ll be happy to answer them below.

Related: Find User accounts with passwords set to never expire

Recommended Tools

  • AD Cleanup Tool - Find stale and inactive user and computer accounts in Active Directory. Export, disable, move or delete the stale accounts to increase security.
  • AD User Creation Tool - Bulk import or update Active Directory user accounts. Add users to groups, import into OUs, set multiple attributes and more.
  • NTFS Permissions Tool - Scan and audit NTFS folder permissions. See which users and groups have access to what.
  • AD Reporting Tool - Over 200 reports on users, computers, groups, OUs and more. Customize reports or create your own reports with the report builder.

15 thoughts on “Find Locked Accounts in Active Directory (2 Options)”

  1. Hi Robert,

    Looking at the script above (AD locked user) I want the result to show me only the NON DISABLED accounts for which (Search-ADAccount -lockedout | where-object {$_.enabled -eq ‘True’}) works but I also want to sort the result by date – i.e Last Log On Date.

    Much appreciated

  2. Seems the AD Query method can also show accounts that aren’t actually locked.
    I suspect it’s when an account is locked out, and it then unlocks itself due to the lockout period policy being reached.
    It seems the lockouttime flag is still greater than one in this instance, despite the user account not being locked.

    You can clear and remove these from the query view by ticking the “Unlock Account” option in the user properties, even though the account isn’t locked. This seems to then put that flag back to 0.

    • Hi Carl,

      I’m also experiencing some inaccurate results with the LDAP query. I would stick to using PowerShell for this, it seems more accurate and is easier to use in my opinion.

    • Yes, use this command to check a single user. Change username to the account name you want to check.

      Get-ADUser username -Properties * | Select-Object LockedOut

  3. I add that query to our AD, the it gives user list. Then I open a user account in ALL Locked User Accounts folder but they did not show that user is locked.

    • Joey, yes you can filter and just show locked users for enabled users. This should do it.

      Search-ADAccount -lockedout | where-object {$_.enabled -eq 'True'}

  4. SO you have the locked out account, but the user already came to you advising you the same. I found this post searching to hoping to find the cause of the lockout. I’ve ran Lockoutstatus.exe from Microsoft and we already reset the user’s account (he will most likely be back tomorrow). I see nothing from the powershell results or the Microsoft result showing the root cause of the lockout(s). Microsoft gave me a list of our DCs which is nice but not useful in this case. Ideas?

  5. For the PowerShell command, users may need to type

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    before the search-adaccount command will work.

    • If you have PowerShell V5 or later you shouldn’t need to use the import module command. When you run PowerShell it should load any modules that you have installed.


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