AD User Offboarding Tool
Simplify Disabling and Removing
User Account Access
Streamline the process of disabling and removing Active Directory user account
permissions. Disable, Hide from GAL, remove from groups, move to an OU and more.
Key Features
Save Time and Ensure Compliance
User offboarding provides several benefits to organizations, such as ensuring accounts
are disabled, permissions removed, and streamline operations.
Disable Accounts
Disable user accounts to block future logons and access to the network.
Hide from GAL
Prevent the account from showing in the global address list.
Remove from groups
Remove access to network resources by removing the user from groups.
Clear Manager Attribute
This option will clear the manager attribute in Active Directory.
Move to OU
It is recommended to move disabled users to another organizational unit.
Add description
Add a description to all the accounts you are offboarding.
Log changes
The tool will log all of the changes such as groups it was removed from.
Easy to use
The offboarding tool is very easy to use even for non technical staff.
How Does it Work?
Step 1. Click on “Offboard Users” from the home page.

Step 2. Select the accounts to offboard.
You can select a single account or offboard multiple users by using a CSV file.
Step 3. Select from the list of offboarding options and click run.

The logs will output the accounts details incase you need to revert the changes. You can see in the logs all the groups the account was removed from.