Set-ADGroup: Update AD Group Attributes

by Robert Allen

In this article, you will learn how to update Active Directory group attributes using PowerShell. I’ll show you examples of updating a single group and bulk updating multiple groups. As an alternative to PowerShell, I’ll also show examples of updating group attributes using the AD Pro Toolkit.

In this article:

Update AD Group Attributes using PowerShell

The Set-ADGroup PowerShell cmdlet is used to modify AD group attributes. The Set-ADGroup requires one of the following values to identify the group to update.

  • A distinguished name
  • A GUID (objectGUID)
  • A security identifier (objectSid)
  • A SAM account name (sAMAccountName)

You can modify commonly used property values by using the cmdlet parameters. Property values that are not associated with cmdlet parameters can be modified by using the AddReplaceClear, and Remove parameters.

Let’s look at some examples.

Example 1. Update description for a group

set-adgroup -identity "Accounting_Folder_RO" -Description "Read only group for accounting shared folder"

The above command sets a description for the specific group. I’m using the groups sAMAccountName as the identifier.


update ad group description

Example 2. Bulk update description for multiple groups

To bulk update group attributes, you will need to create a CSV file.

Step 1. Create a CSV with two columns:

  • name
  • description

Add the sAMAccountName of each group to the name column and add a description for each group. Here is a CSV example.

csv file

Save you csv file and remember the path as it is needed for step 2.

Step 2. Now I’ll create a simple script to loop through the CSV and update the groups. Change the csv location to the path where you saved your csv file.

$mygroups = Import-csv c:\it\update_groups.csv

#Loop through each row containing user details in the CSV file 
foreach ($group in $mygroups) {

        # create a hashtable for splatting the parameters
        $groupProps = @{
            identity     = $                
            description  = $group.description    
        } #end props   

write-host "Updating $group" -ForegroundColor Cyan

         set-adgroup @groupProps
    } #end else

I saved the above script into my c:\it folder and named it set-adgroup1.ps1.

Step 3. Run the script

Open PowerShell and execute the script.

run powershell script

Now if I check AD I’ll see the description has been updated for all the groups in my csv file.

bulk update group description

Example 3. Update group extensionAttribute1

set-adgroup -identity "Accounting_Folder_RO" -Add @{extensionAttribute1="1234"}

In the above example, I set the extensionAttribute1 to “1234” for the Account_Folder_RO group. There is no parameter for the extenstionAttribute so I’ll need to use the -Add option.

group extensionAttribute1

Example 4. Update ExtensionAttribute for Multiple Groups

Step 1. Create a csv with the following columns and add values for each ExtensionAttribute.

  • name
  • ExtensionAttribute1
  • ExtensionAttribute2

CSV Example.

csv for extensionAttribute1

Step 2. Create script to loop through the csv file.

# Import the CSV file
$groups = Import-Csv -Path "C:\it\update_groups2.csv"

# Loop through each row in the CSV and update the group
foreach ($group in $groups) {

write-host "Updating $" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    Set-ADGroup -Identity $group.Name -Replace @{
        extensionAttribute1 = $group.ExtensionAttribute1
        extensionAttribute2 = $group.ExtensionAttribute2



I saved the above script into my c:\it folder and named it set-adgroup2.ps1.

Step 3. Run the script.

Open PowerShell and execute the script.

script for extensionAttribute1

Example 5. Update AD Group ProxyAddresses

set-adgroup -identity "Accounting_Folder_RO" -Add @{proxyaddresses=""}

In this example, I add a proxyAddress to the group Accounting_Folder_RO.

group proxyaddresses

Example 6. Update Group ProxyAddresses for Multiple Groups

Step 1. Create a csv with the following columns and enter details for the group name and proxyaddresses.

  • name
  • proxyaddresses

CSV example.

csv for group proxyaddresses

Step 2. Create script

# Import the CSV file
$groups = Import-Csv -Path "C:\it\update_groups3.csv"

# Loop through each row in the CSV and update the group
foreach ($group in $groups) {

write-host "Updating $" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    Set-ADGroup -Identity $group.Name -Replace @{proxyaddresses = $group.proxyaddresses }


I saved the above script into my c:\it folder and named it set-adgroup3.ps1.

Step 3. Run script

Open PowerShell and execute the script.

script for group proxyaddresses

You can use the get-adgroup cmdlet to verify the group properties have been updated.

get-adgroup -identity Accounting_Folders -properties proxyAddresses
verify group properties

Hopefully the above 6 examples helped you learn how to update group attributes using PowerShell. In the next section, I’ll walk through updating group attributes using a windows application called AD Pro Toolkit.

Update AD Group Attributes using AD Pro Toolkit

The AD Pro Toolkit includes multiple Active Directory Tools that makes it very easy to bulk update AD user and groups. With the toolkit you can update multiple group and user attributes.

Step 1. Download CSV Template

Click on “Group Management”, “Update Groups” and then click “Download CSV Template”.

toolkit group csv template

Step 2. Fill out the CSV Template

In this example, I’ll update multiple groups and group attributes at the same time. The template has a default list of attributes, you can add additional attributes to the csv.

  • sAMAccountName
  • extensionAttribute1 and 2
  • description
  • managedBy = is the distinguishedName of the account.
  • mail
  • proxyAddresses
update multiple group attribute csv

Step 3. Run Update Groups tool

Select your csv file and click run.

The logs will be displayed on the screen. Any errors will show up in red.

update group tool

Step 4. Verify Group Attributes

Now I’ll use the group reports to verify everything updated.

verify group properties

With the toolkit you don’t need to modify code or take extra steps when you need to update different group properties. The only thing you need to do is update the csv file, it’s that easy. Download AD Pro Toolkit and see how easy it is to update group properties.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, post in the comments below.

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