Find Active Directory Users with Empty (Null) Attributes

by Robert Allen

Updated on

Active Directory

In this article, I’ll show you how to find Active Directory Users that have attributes that are blank. For example, you want to ensure all users have the department attribute set. You can use PowerShell or the AD Pro Toolkit to find users that have specific attributes blank.

Find Empty AD Attributes using PowerShell

  1. Open PowerShell
  2. Run the following command. Change the value of $property to the attribute you want to check. In this example, I’m identifying all users that have a blank department attribute.
$property = 'department'
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties $property | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.$property } | Select-Object Name, $property

Find Empty AD Attributes using the AD Pro Toolkit

With the AD Pro Toolkit you can easily find multiple attributes that are blank or null.

  1. Click on Reports > User Reports > All users.
  2. Click on “Columns” to add the attributes you want to check.
  3. Click “Run”. Optionally click browse to search a specific OU.
  4. Click on any column and select “Blanks” to filter the list. This will list the user accounts that have a null value for the attribute.

You can also create custom reports with the AD Pro Toolkit and check multiple attributes at once.

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